Friday 8 November 2013

Brief 7: Initial Idea Development

Today I have been working from some of my favourite roughly sketched ideas to try and develop my idea. I have decided to attempt working with hand rendered type and illustration, which I feel is appropriate for the teenage audience, and is also something that I continued to explore in my design practice at the end of second year, and would like to continue developing. I decided that because Ponyboy is called a 'greaser' in the book, and black is a colour associated with their attire in the book and their use of shiny hair oil, that I would try working with black ink to see what kind of effect I got.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the results of my ink drawings, because I think that some of the illustrations and hand rendered type could definitely be explored further and developed more to make a successful cover. I think that since so many teenage fiction books seem to be photographic or digitially rendered, an illustrative cover may have more visual impact and stand out more to the audience.

I did quite a few drawings and quite a lot of it was trial and error, so I have only included my final picks and the drawings I will be continuing to use in the creation of the cover. The drawings of the fists are associated with the gang's rumbles in the book.

I intend to play around with the composition and sizing of the drawings a lot more in my development.

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