Tuesday 12 November 2013

Brief 7: Back of Cover Type Choices

After the mini crit I had yesterday, people reacted best to the more illustrative book cover that I had created, as they felt it more effectively communicated to the intended target audience. I am now focussed on finishing this book cover fully, and I don't want the back of the book cover to be an afterthought, so I need to think carefully about a suitable typeface, that will complement the hand rendered type that I have used already. To me, if I were to use all hand rendered type on the back cover it would be a little too overwhelming and busy, especially as there is more type on the back than there is on the front. I intend to hand draw the quote that is included in the copy provided by Puffin, but to use a digital typeface for the blurb. Having looked at other book's back covers, I think this is the general convention, and looks the most professional and effective. I plan to keep the back cover mostly black, perhaps using a little gold if it looks right. From these typefaces that I have experimented with here, I think that the most appropriate ones are the top 3. I especially like the American Typewriter typeface, as it appears quite formal without being boring, and I think it would work with the more fluid hand rendered type.

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