Sunday 10 November 2013

Front Cover Development (Idea 2)

As well as the illustrated book cover, I wanted to develop the idea of the people paper chain, which relates to the idea that the gang of Greasers have an important bond that keeps them connected throughout the novel. The use of illustrated type with the people paper chain illustration was a little bit too much, and wasn't really that visually effective, so I have attempted to balance it out by using more formal typefaces.

I did attempt to include the hand rendered type for the tag line copy, enlarging it so that it covered most of the cover's background, although this made the cover look a little too cluttered. After showing some people the developments, they suggested that it may be more effective and communicate the story more if I were to have two people paper chains on the cover, to reflect both the differences and similarities between the two gangs that both divide and connect them.

I still believe that this is the most conceptually strong idea, and I think that the final image in my developments has quite a strong visual impact, but I just don't know whether this book cover would appeal to the younger target audience, as this is the style of book cover you generally see for adult fiction.

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