Friday 8 November 2013

Brief 7: Ideas Experimentation

As well as working on the illustrative book cover idea, I also wanted to see if some of my other initial rough sketches would work if digitised, and so I experimented with a few ideas, such as the title leaving the page to represent the idea of the 'outsider' typographically, and I have also worked on the idea of a people paper chain to illustrate the gang's bond throughout the novel. Conceptually I think that the people paper chain is my strongest idea, but visually I'm not sure whether it will be as appealing as an illustrated design. Again I have worked with black and white because of the 'greaser' look.

After digitising the Outsiders type design, I have decided that this does not really work very well, as the cover is not very readable and would probably not appeal to the target audience. I will continue to develop the paper chain gang idea as well as my illustrated cover and then take these into a crit to get a more informed opinion.

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