Tuesday 19 November 2013

Brief 13: Print and Paste

The Print&Paste brief is a part of mine and Hannah's Wireless Connections brief, which is in two parts. The first part, Print&Paste, will be completed as a short one week brief, and will then be extended into the Wireless Connections brief next year when we both have more time to devote to it.

Print & Paste is a curated outdoor art space

in central Manchester, located just off Oxford Rd
opposite the old BBC building.

Every month a new artist is invited to exhibit
work on a large 16-sheet board traditionally used
by advertisers.

We aim to support the artist and inspire the
public by using the space for freedom of expression,
positive social commentary, and the exhibition

of original work.

The brief from them is pretty simple really, create and submit a 16 sheet board artwork that is 'original, positive, and thought provoking.' 

Hannah and I have already decided that the content will be based on the idea of 'pen pals' and hand written letters, as this is what the larger brief will be focussing on. We want to create something using hand rendered illustration and type, as that will obviously tie in with the pen pal theme. 

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