Wednesday 6 November 2013

Brief 7: The Outsiders Visual Research

In order to get some inspiration and also inform myself of other people's visual ideas of the book, I have been looking at pre existing imagery for The Outsiders, including the film that was made in the 80's, directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

The film provides a good visual reference in terms of being able to visualise the characters, which I could possibly need if I choose to illustrate the cover, although I have to say some of the characters are not how I would have imagined them. 

The Puffin covers both use photography and quite basic type, and I am unsure how appealing these are, either to teenagers of adults who might want to buy. The sunrise image has more meaning in the book, but it looks too generic to me.  

I think that these covers definitely appeal more to a youthful audience with their use of imagery and typography, and they also make more of a reference to the time and setting of the book which I think is important. 

These are more dated designs, both using photography and quite a simple concept, simply including the faces/bodies of the greasers. I suppose that this style is more appealing to a wider audience, whereas illustrative designs are more likely to appeal to a teenage audience.  

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