Wednesday 6 November 2013

Brief 11: Logo Design

I wanted the logo to be quite simple, but I was undecided on type or how to compose it when there needs to be a gap so that people can write the title of the film or song within the logo. I thought that experimenting with different typefaces and styles would help me to make clearer what I wanted. The logo is meant to be quite neutral, so I feel like the sans serif typefaces are more effective. I also realised as I was trying out the different logos that the use of a long line would not work as the titles have different lengths that may not fit into it, and they also become too large and cumbersome, especially when the logo will be printed onto an a6 postcard. I decided that the best way to effectively include titles in the logo would be to create it as one piece of text, with an arrow in between very and christmas to signify a missing piece of text, which will then be filled in with the different titles.
I had been using lower caps for most of the logos to give it a more child like, playful feel, but I then decided that the caps lock logos at the end of the development felt stronger visually.

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