Thursday 14 November 2013

Brief 6: High Spirits Crit Feedback

As I wasn't in University today for the crit session, Lisa took our brief in to be critted alongside her other work, and this is the feedback that she received for our work.

Looking at this feedback is incredibly confusing as there are a few contradictory statements between people, such as the uses of colours, the logo and the imagery we are using. Me and Lisa will discuss what pieces of feedback we will use to inform our design work next week when I am back.

- The imagery on the labels work really well.
- The imagery works with the typography and the format of the label.
- The logo has some clever elements to it so I would keep what you have so far.
- The ladder "H" could also work as an icon.
- Your brief hits the target audience on the head.
- Your ladder imagery is much stronger than the hot air balloon and kite. 
- Ladder already in logo do you need it again on label?
- Vodka should be blue yes, green always represents gin, Bronze is a classy colour for rum.
- Printing on cork is a good idea.
- The kids holding a kite is a bit disconnected with alcohol
- I think the kite is the most effective illustration; evokes sunshine & fun, ladders relate to working.
- I don't think you're colours should be too bright, as this is less sophisticated.
- Really like the cork coasters, Cork is a great idea. 
- Labels work well as just type instead
- I think the imagery is too big for the labels, doesn't suit the more sophisticated logo
- Your later development of your label design has progressed well and is much stronger
- Does your label need a picture? May be nicer with just text on a small label
- I like that you have thought about the colours & researched into what is used for existing alcohol
- The gold for the logo is perfect because it will make your product look expensive
- Use deep blues and greens that will match the expensive look of gold and bronze
- The coaster idea works well as it references materials used in the industry
- If you foil the logo onto the cork coasters it will look really professional
- Cork may be slightly heavy or too thick to be a business card. How would it fit into a wallet?
- Gold will look really effective and strong on the chosen stock
- The colours are appropriate and communicate each drink as the colours work together.

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