Sunday 3 November 2013

Brief 7: The Outsiders Initial Ideas

I have decided to complete the Puffin Children's Prize brief earlier than I have stated on my statement of intent, as I decided that I would like to have a couple more briefs completed before Christmas, and I have a little bit of time set aside this week to complete this as a 1 week brief. I finished reading The Outsiders in 2 days, partly because the book is quite small, but mainly because it was so beautifully written that I didn't like to put it down.
I have spent this weekend trying to put down very rough ideas, which was quite easy really because there is so much to take from the book, the only trouble now is trying to find the right idea, as there are some parts of the book which I think many people will want to communicate visually, such as the sunrise/sunset, the greaser look and the gangs. In my own ideas, I've tried to come up with some variety, mixing these more obvious illustrative ideas with more subtle typographic ideas.

I want to make some of these ideas more concrete, and draw them up a little nicer so that I can then take them into a mini crit and see what people think. 

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