Thursday 28 November 2013

Brief 11: Online Store Change

Unfortunately as I was setting up my online shop with Etsy, I made an error in filling out my bank details and they decided that I was a fraud. Despite sending off proof of my existence and legitimacy, I was silly enough to forget that Etsy is based in America and so they are currently celebrating Thanksgiving, and are unlikely to reply for a long time. Therefore, I have decided to set up a Big Cartel store instead, which is an easier but more costly process.
In the end, I feel better having set up the Big Cartel store because the design of the site is simple but looks professional. I now just have to wait and see what happens now the shop is live.

Brief 6: Research Booklet

We decided that for the submission of this brief it would be useful to create a research book that cites our inspirations. When printed we will be creating it as single pages bound with a bulldog clip, so that it could be taken apart to create a mood board if we wish.

Brief 6: Flyer and Compliment Slip

Lisa created the compliment slip last night, and to keep everything consistent, we have made a minor adjustment to the flyer by adding a gold outline to it.

Brief 6: Schedule

Printing Complete
Wrapping *
Stickers *
Tags *

Laser Cut (Friday 29th 3-4pm)


Print Slot (Friday 29th 2-3pm)

Bottle Labels
Compliment Slips

Home Printing (Tuesday 3rd Dec)

Research Publication

Screen (Wednesday 4th Dec)
Shop Front *

Photograph on Friday 6th December

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Brief 6: High Spirits Flyer

We wanted to create a flyer that was bold and simple so that it was in keeping with the rest of our products. The use of the H ladder is a motif that we are using throughout our branding and it felt most appropriate to use this on the front of the flyer as it is eye catching and memorable. The gold and cream colours have immediate impact and also communicate a sense of luxury that is consistent with the rest of our designs. The back of the flyer is simply information about where the shop can be found and how to contact it. The gold box is where the logo would be stamped in gold.

Brief 11: Setting up the Etsy shop

I am currently in the process of setting up the online store for selling the Christmas cards, and I have chosen Etsy as it was free to set up the shop. You do however, have to pay a listing fee and paypal transaction fees and so the price of the cards has had to be adjusted so that I can cover these costs and still make a decent amount. In all, the process has been very simple, but I am having to make sure that I provide enough information to cover my back in terms of returns and refunds, and the description of the cards. Below are screenshots of the way Etsy require you to set up the store. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Footprints Invoice

This is the invoice I received from Footprints for the printed postcards. I'm really pleased with how they came out. The price per card works out at less than a penny per card too, which means I (hopefully) stand to make a decent profit.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Brief 12: Fashion Graphics

Examples of fashion graphics, both from high end brands and high street retailers. What is apparent in all these outcomes is the focus on finish, as well the employment of strong typography and often, colour.

Friday 22 November 2013

Brief 12: Gabriel Stokes

Gabriel Stokes is a graphic designer who has worked with global fashion brand Topshop on a number of occasions, creating print collateral for special events organised and promoted by Topshop, including London Fashion Week. Her work is consistently strong and reflective of the Topshop brand: fashion forward, trend aware and focussed on quality in both the design and finish. As well as creating publications and postcards, she has also explored different formats and finishes to ensure that Topshop's graphic design is on a par with its fashion output.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Brief 12: Initial Copy Ideas

I have attempted to get down some very rough ideas for the Oasis copywriting brief so that I can build upon these initial ideas and have people critique them so that I have a better idea of where to head. I have tried to use copy and the same light hearted, feminine tone of voice that they described in their brief, and reinforcing the message that it is a fashion brand. The brief requires copy for each of their proposed 'messages', which I have put into an order so that it's easy to follow.

Brief 6: Label Designs

After some design developments, these are our label designs to be printed by James onto adhesive stock so that they can then be easily applied to our bottles. The labels will be written on in the store as we want these bottles to be seen as customisable and special, adding to the sense that they are limited editions. The ladder illustration is the central focus of the label as it is a motif we have been using throughout our branding, and the colours for vodka, gin and rum will be different so that they are easily identifiable.The designs were created by Lisa, and I am very happy with the way they look. 

Brief 6: Sticker Designs

These sticker designs will be used on the top of bottles and on the top of the shopping bags just to add an extra little detail to our branding to tie everything together. We have employed the use of the ladder H from our logo as we feel that this is strong motif that is easily identifiable and memorable. 

Brief 6: Shop Front Signage

Brief 6: Tissue Paper Pattern

Myself and Lisa thought that it would be a nice detail to have some wrapping paper that could be used in store to wrap people's bottles up if they want to give them as gifts to loved ones. We decided on using the ladder illustration to create the pattern instead of the H as it simply works better in a pattern formation, and we also developed the patterns so that the illustration was smaller as this looks a little classier and is more similar to wrapping papers that you see in other stores. 

Brief 6: Rubber Stamps

We want to create a gift box for our bottles, and so we thought that an ideal way to make them feel more customised and luxe would be to have plain boxes made from good quality stock that could then be stamped with our logo, an image of a ladder and then a stamp that says 'enjoy your' which would then be written on underneath with either the rum, gin or vodka that has been bought. We will either be using cardboard or black and gold stock for the boxes, although due to the colours and stock we have already used, it will most likely be black and gold stock as this seems more high quality. The logo stamp can also be used for other products in our range, such as tags and flyers. 

Brief 6: Printing Plan

Printing with James
Final label for High Spirits x2
Final label for High Spirits without imagery x2

Laser Cut
A3 stencil for cork coasters x1
A3 ladder stencil for labels x 2

Brief 6: Quotes for Packaging

Here are some quotes that me and Lisa want to use on the inside of our gift packaging. I think these will work well as they are light hearted and funny, which is in keeping with the way we are trying to communicate the brand. If we have time, these may also be useful to place around our proposed shop as funny decorations or perhaps even a quote to place in the shop window. 

"Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."
Frank Sinatra 

"I only take a drink on two occasions - when I'm thirsty and when I'm not." --Brendan Behan

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time. " --Catherine Zandonella

"Three be the things I shall never attain: envy, content and sufficient Champagne."--Dorothy Parker

"Here's to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life."--F. Scott Fitzgerald

"There can't be good living where there is not good drinking." --Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Brief 11: Glasgow Press

Glasgow Press are a letterpress print company working with design professionals. A couple of years ago, they sold a letterpress postcard pack for charity which I fortunate enough to purchase for £3. A very small price for something that I regard as a keepsake, although I assume that they absorbed some of the costs of the project as they printed themselves. The quality of the stock, the print, and the details they have added to this are really amazing.
These are images of the postcards, which are based on some of their favourite Glasgow bands.