Sunday 16 March 2014

Brief 3: Website Ideas

Idea: Using the shape of the logo to inform the design, with the effect of shards of a broken heart/broken record with rollovers that indicate the content that is available once clicked. The links would direct the user to a separate page that would include the playlist content.  

Idea: Single page scrolling website, with each new page containing the playlist for that particular stage. Photography used relates to each stage of the break up, with a simple text layout. 

Idea: Side scrolling website. Clicking on the side panel/scrolling to the side directs the user to the next break up stage playlist, and the user can scroll down each page to view more text and the playlists. Again the photographs would fill the entire page, and would relate to the specific break up stage that the playlist is based on, for example anger: record broken up in pieces/smashed up love hearts, sadness: ben and jerrys carton/used tissues, bargaining: taped up broken record, acceptance: fishing rod and fish.  
(Ro and Co photographs used as example of style of photography.)

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