Sunday 2 March 2014

Brief 15: Initial Ideas

Myself, Suzanne, Mike and Greta have decided to work on the End of Year show pitch as a collaborative brief. as we each have different skills that we can combine to hopefully make an exciting and viable pitch. We have done some initial brainstorming for the brief.


Myself and Suzanne had already previously had an idea in mind for the show that we would really like to develop, which is the concept 'Out with a Bang'. We feel that this phrase perfectly encapsulates what the end of year show should be: a grand exit. It has some exciting visual possibilities that we would like to experiment with, using balloons as our main source of imagery. We are going to develop our ideas for the Out With a Bang concept so that they are more concrete, but we have made a list of what we need to consider and the products we need to mock up.

Video/Photography for the concept
Flyers, promotional posters, other promotional items listed on the brief...think of unique formats that push our concept further and get the audience to interact more with the show prior to coming.
Mock ups of products we can't produce: Folly/certain printed items etc.
Copy for the promotional materials/pitch boards
How the show could be pushed further/additional events to promote it.
Pitch Boards

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