Sunday 16 March 2014

Brief 3: Website Development

I have decided to continue with my third idea, which is for a side scrolling/clicking website with pages that can be scrolled down for additional content and the playlists. The pages would have full bleed images, with pastel coloured backgrounds and objects that relate to the stage of the break up the person would be at, for example a ben and jerry's carton for the sadness playlist. I feel that this would be the most functional of my three ideas, as well as being the most visually pleasing.

The images still need to be taken, so my placeholder images are actually taken from the Ro and Co site, as this style of photography is the closest I could find to what I wanted to achieve.

I am currently using a Novocento typeface for the logo, and have been using Sofia Pro for the body copy, as I want the website to have a clean, contemporary feel that doesn't detract from the photography in the background.

Text layout experimentation

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