Saturday 22 February 2014

Brief 9: D&AD

Since 1989, when there were just four television channels, Sky has been striving to make entertainment better. This purpose inspires them. It’s why they do what they do.
Today, with hundreds of channels, original programming, award-winning shows, stars and stories, Sky has become the UK’s number one entertainment choice. And it’s not all in your living room. It’s on the go and on demand. From fixed schedules to ‘whenever you want’, from ‘missed it’ to Sky+ and Sky Go, from SD to HD 3D – the ‘firsts’ that have pushed entertainment forward have started at Sky.
Entertainment you want to watch, when you want to watch it – all at the touch of a button on, your remote, your mobile, your tablet and your laptop. Entertainment that brings us together, opens our eyes, lifts our souls and blows our minds!
Create a copy-led, integrated campaign that uses Sky’s unique personality to thrill and excite current and future customers through eye-catching headlines, scripts, long copy or stories. With so many ways to watch TV and movies, and new competitors entering the market all the time, Sky needs to stand out from the noise.
Talk to current customers; reassure them that they’ve made the right decision in choosing Sky to fill their home with entertainment.
  • Why would potential new customers switch to Sky? What can Sky offer that they don’t already have? What are they looking for?
  • Is price, choice or freedom a concern? How do you manage fears and expectations?
  • When would be the best time of year to launch this campaign?
  • How could we talk about the campaign in PR and social media to encourage people to tell their friends about Sky?
    Talk to current Sky customers and attract new ones away from competitors like Freeview and Virgin Media.
Your campaign must be copy-led.
Copy and Tone of Voice should be in
line with Sky style.
Entertainment should be at the heart
of the idea.
Your campaign must work across at
least 3 of the following media: poster, press, online, direct mail, TV, radio, outdoor.
Any design elements must include the brand logo.
The brand statement, ‘Believe in better’, must be used as an end-line or sign-off.
Judges will see your main deliverable(s) first, and will then view any supporting material if they wish.
You must refer to the ‘Preparing Your Entries’ document included in your brief pack for full format specs and submission guidance. Work in formats other than those outlined will not be accepted.
Main deliverables (mandatory)
Present your solution using either a video (MPEG or MOV, max. 2 mins) or up to eight images (JPEG only).
Supporting material (optional)
This could include executions or mock-ups of your solution, or show your process and the development of your idea.
You can submit the following as supporting material: interactive work (websites, widgets, apps, HTML, etc.); physical material (prototypes, mockups, etc.); additional text (PDF, max. 1 A4 page). If your main deliverable is video, you can also submit up to four images (JPEG only). If your main deliverable is images, you can also submit video (MPEG or MOV, max. 1 min).

This is now a collaborative brief with David Gaskell. 

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