Monday 24 February 2014

Brief 3: Rationale

Heartbroken Records is a website designed to aid in healing a heartbreak through music. A heartbroken individual can visit the site, take a test to identify the stage of the heartbreak they are currently going through (anger, bargaining, sadness or acceptance) and then be directed to an appropriate playlist designed to complement their breakup stage.

The style of the website will appeal primarily to females aged between 16 and 30, with a broken heart and an interest in music. The music in each playlist will be varied enough to appeal to a large number of people, with songs from different eras and genres included. The tone of the site is intended to be sympathetic to the audience, whilst also being light hearted in an effort to entertain and uplift.

Posters will be printed and distributed to promote the site, and other printed outcomes may be explored if appropriate.

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