Saturday 8 February 2014

Brief #8 Initial Ideas

These are some initial ideas I have had for the brief which I digitised.

Idea 1:
Here I have attempted to recreate a vintage Cluedo board, as in the book Michael Owen makes reference to playing Cluedo, and there are also parallels between the game and the events that happen nearer the end of the novel. Although I like the idea of this cover, I don't think that the actual execution is that successful. If I am making reference to something then it needs to be recognisable which this might not be.

Idea 2:
This idea makes reference to Tabitha Winshaw, the crazy older aunty around which much of the books events centre. By using collage it connotes the sense of piecing together the story. I have tried alluding to her madness by cutting the head open and having Godfrey's crashing plane emerge from her head, as in the story this is what supposedly drives her insane in the first place. Unfortunately the imagery and the colours I tried haven't worked well together as I don't feel they target the right audience.

Idea 3:
This is the simplest idea, and basically just lists the names of the prominent Winshaw characters in a style employed before in fan merchandise for the Beatles amongst others. I thought this would work as it highlights the importance and infamy of the characters, but it looks a little cheap and once the required copy is also added it would look too cluttered.

I am not incredibly happy with any of them, so I'm going to regroup. I think that as it is for an adult audience a more photographic approach may be better, such as in idea 2, and so I am going to work more on an idea that uses imagery.

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