Tuesday 11 February 2014

Brief 10: Pen Pal Research

When you're writing, whether to a person just lives a few miles away or to a person halfway around the world, always be kind and friendly. If it is a friend, you don't have to be very formal, but a little politeness goes a long way.

Tell them about you, and ask them questions about themselves, like how is it in their country? This way you can understand them more, and learn a few fun facts about your friend!

Tell them about you, and ask them questions about themselves, like how is it in their country? This way you can understand them more, and learn a few fun facts about your friend!

For a pen pal, even if it's a person close to you, don't always expect your penpal to respond to you right away. They could have some things they have to do, too. And of course, if your pen pal's in a different country, this is a reason, too.

Nowadays, there are different charities where you "adopt" a child in a different country, and often write to them. This is a great way to help and write at the same time! If you do, however, you still must be a dedicated pen pal.

If it's a person far away, you can also send them small gifts. For example, if it's a girl, you could give a hair tie.

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