Sunday 6 April 2014

New Brief 9: Initial Ideas/Rationale

Having read the book, I have been able to think about themes and ideas that could be communicated about the story. I want to be as creative as possible with the covers, with strong photographic visuals and type that targets the crime/thriller audience.

Themes + ideas

5th wedding anniversary
The scavenger hunt
Diary format
Feeling trapped
Two sides to the story
Two sides to the narrators personalities

Initial Concepts

Concepts 1&2:

The back of Amy's head. I want to visually communicate the first paragraph of the novel in which Nick Dunne describes his fascination with the back of Amy's head. This is of significance because this is the first view of Amy Nick sees on the morning of her disappearance, and it also communicates Amy's mysteriousness. The visual of the back of someone's head would create tension and suspense, as you cannot see their expression, or know what they are thinking, which evidently, Nick does not.

Concept 3

This is more of a visual play on disappearing. I intend to produce a black and white cover, using black vinyl that disappears into the black side of the cover. Just as Amy is there and not there, the foiled/vinyl type will be visible but also not in different lights. The black and white colours also represent the two sides to the story, and the innocence and darkness of Amy's character.

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