Monday 14 April 2014

DC Publication: Isabel Urbina

Isabel Urbina Peña is a cover designer at Random House in New York City. She has worked at C&G Partners LLC, American Museum of Natural HistoryMuseo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas and for clients like Variety, Campari &Diner Journal.  
In 2012, she graduated from the Cooper Union'sCooper Type Extended program in Typeface Design. Her original typeface Galea was awarded an honorable mention by the Fine Press Book Association (FBPA) and is featured in the bookPlaying with Type: 50 Experiments by Rockport Press. She graduated with honors in 2008 from ProDiseño (Caracas, Venezuela) where she obtained a BFA in Visual Communication and Design.
She is the creator and writer of Rants from a Stranger a fully hand-lettered publication influenced by print, zines and comic books.

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