Tuesday 8 April 2014

Brief 2: Yearbook Progress

It's been an interesting few weeks regarding this project. There's been a lot of uncertainty and reasons which have stopped us from actually progressing. This has mainly been down to disagreements about our format which would be 8 A2 posters folded down so that would make an a4 sized book. Some people thought that the format might get messy, but our reasoning for the fold out posters is that they would become a keepsake for the course, and the idea is that the posters would be unfolded at home, not in the exhibition space. 

We had a meeting with the graphic design team on Monday (7th) and they told us to create some layouts, going ahead with our original format as well as a slight variation without the fold outs just to see if it would look any better. We feel more comfortable working on this project knowing that the graphic design team are behind us with this and will hopefully be able to resolve the issues once people can see it in real life as opposed to imagining what it would be like. 

Today I have been working on the A5 front cover which includes their name, the coordinates of Leeds College of Art and the names of the students. It will be printed onto grey card. 

A5 Front Cover:

Possible sans serif typefaces

We have decided to use Calibre as the body copy typeface after experimenting with several sans serif typefaces and printing them out to see which ones worked best actually printed. We have used Tiempos text medium/bold for the titles/headlines. 

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