Tuesday 29 October 2013

High Spirits: Packaging Design Ideas

We have now received our orders for bottles, corks and coasters, and so can now get stuck into the main bulk of designing for our High Spirits brief. We are meeting up on Monday, and so today I have been working on some rough ideas for the designs of our packaging, as well as some very very rough ideas for bags. Even though we did not make reference to the kite imagery in our logo, I felt like in these sketches I could perhaps try and experiment with it as a tessellated pattern to see if it would work on the packaging itself. I will see what Lisa thinks about it, but to be honest I'm not so sure. The only one using the kite that I think works well is the actual kite shaped label, as it is quite striking and may make our packaging stand out. However, the amount of space isn't as effective as it would be on a traditional label, so these may have to be digitised first to see which works most. 

I also tried to include the kite shape in a more subtle way, using it as an edging on the square labels, which I think could be quite a nice detail to add to the packaging. On these labels I thought more about our idea to use older victorian etching imagery or collage imagery as a background, with 1 colour being used for the images and another bolder colour used for the text as a contrast. However, this may end up looking too busy, so again we'll probably have to digitise them first and see which works better. 

Because we are trying to communicate that this is a light hearted branded, I also looked at how the bags we provide to the customer could be made to look different and more fun. I tried to mess around with the idea of a hot air balloon for a bag, although in reality I'm not sure how on Earth this could work!

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