Tuesday 15 October 2013

Brief 6: Consistency in Packaging

Because me and Lisa are creating a series of products that would hypothetically all be distilled/produced and sold by us, we need to create a series of labels that have consistency whilst also communicating the differences between the products that we make. I have tried to find examples of packaging that was created as part of series to look at how they successfully retain consistency in their designs.

The Industry City Distillery is the creation of The City Foundry who are a research and design group (apparently). You can kind of tell they're from Brooklyn reading their description of themselves which I found on this blog post. But they've made some very nice packaging so I can't judge them too much. The main difference in the designs of the different vodkas is the colour, which I kind of assumed would be the main way to communicate variety, other than that the packaging is very simple and bold, and it manages to reference traditional alcohol label design through use of the smaller red typeface, although really this is a very contemporary design. 

Again, the most noticeable difference between these bottles of Scrappy's Bitters is the colour, although there are smaller differences between the bottles such as the shapes housing the descriptive type, which adds a little more interest, but also serves a practical purpose as each of the titles varies in length and so the design obviously needed to be adapted. The design of these bottles is more traditional, using illustrations, etched backgrounds and serif typefaces to create something that feels a little more collectable and old timey. I like the little bit of gold foiling they have used on the label as well, it adds a nice touch and I'm a sucker for gold foiling anyways.   

Again, these Art in the Age Of bottles use colour as the main identifier between the different spirits, but what I liked about these is the designs they have applied to the back of the bottles, which are a surprising contrast to the front of the bottle which is quite contemporary and simple. It would be interesting to try and use a mix of illustration and type on our own label designs, although it would likely be in a simpler style than this. 
All images have been taken from thedieline

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