Tuesday 15 October 2013

Brief 6: Greenbar Collective Distillery

Greenbar Collective Distillery are an American company producing organic, hand crafted spirits. The collective represent the largest portfolio of spirits, and each of their spirits has a distinctive design. As I found looking at other brands with different products, the main way they communicate the differences is through colour, although they also use interesting illustrations that add to the desirability of the product. The designs are mainly very contemporary, but are more detailed than many label designs which are often more simplistic, using mostly type. I love the Fruitlab bottles, but am less keen on the Bar Keep bottles because they feel quite cluttered, and the typefaces don't really seem to fit with the illustrations being used. I think finding these designs was valauble though because it gives us an idea of what other brands have done with similar products, and also allows Lisa and I to identify aspects of the design that we would and wouldn't like to use in our own work. 
images sourced from thedieline

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