Monday 14 October 2013

Brief 6: High Spirits Initial Ideas

Today me and Lisa had a discussion about the direction that we want our brief to take, as well as creating a time plan for our work until the proposed deadline. Me and Lisa had sourced some images to show to each other so that we knew the kind of style that we were going for, and from this we plan to create some initial logo designs, which we will bring together and then go from there.
Notes were made in my notebook, but so that whoever reads this can actually read these notes, I'm just typing them up.

The Shop
Independent and small
Traditional style with a modern twist.
Specialists in gin, vodka and rum which would be distributed in barrels similar to the smaller shops within Selfridges that sell special liquors.
Other alcohols/ brands would be stocked.
Location: London (Carnaby Street)

Target Audience
Middle class
Disposable income
Alcohol Lovers
Young Professionals

Business card
Packaging labels
Promotional catalogue

Tone of Voice/Style
Light hearted and humorous
Traditional but modern
Illustrative style

Logo done by: 17th/18th October
Full concept and drawings of initial packaging: 24th October
Label and Packaging Design: 7th November
Shop front and web proposal: 14th November
To print and final edits: 22nd November
Photography of Products: 28th/29th November
Submission boards: December

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