Tuesday 15 October 2013

Brief 6: Initial Logo Ideas

Me and Lisa decided that before our next meeting we would each work on some ideas for logo designs for High Spirits. Agreeing that we want to create something traditional but with a modern twist, I wanted to try and look at using two different typefaces, perhaps one serif and one sans serif to create some kind of contrast, however, when I got down to drawing and thinking up ideas, I started to focus more on the 'high' bit of our name and started trying to play around with that, so the type that I have been drawing as been tall or stretched a little, although it still needs developing and Lisa and I need to decide whether we would want to go for something with a more traditional typeface, or a more modern sans serif.

I also tried to think of images that would represent 'high' - I made the mistake of simply typing this into google and it just came up with a lot of bongs, real helpful, Google - with a view to including it in our logo, but almost everything was either too detailed for a logo like views from tall buildings or kind of detracted from the brand, like iconic buildings (Eiffel Tower, Empire State). I started thinking about Mary Poppins and her umbrella (although I'm pretty sure that Disney would sue us if we used that) and hot air balloons, but again the shapes are too detailed for a logo. I wanted a simple shape that could be incorporated in some way, and circles seemed too obvious. I started thinking about triangle shapes to somehow represent the alcohol or glasses, but then finally I happened upon the kite diamond shape as a possibility. This seems to fit at the moment because kite's fly, which ties into the high part of our title, but in a more subtle way. Should we want to use pattern in our work as well, the kite shape works well as it can be tessellated.

Thinking about it, I probably 'happened upon it' because I started humming to Let's Go Fly a Kite by Mary Poppins, so not really an individual thought, just another idea gleamed from Disney.

Obviously it all needs refining and drawing up far better than this, these images are just very very rough sketches.

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