Sunday 4 May 2014

New Brief 1: Light processes research


We think that this would be a really cool thing to try and incoporate into the Winterlight branding because it's so original and unique. It involves using different coloured lightbulbs to highlight certain parts of a design that has been overprinted to include more information. The most notable example of this design method is the Ikea RGB billboard which was used to creatively advertise their small space solutions. There are other printed examples that also work incredibly well. This is a fascinating and novel method which if we could pull it off would very successfully heighten interest in the festival and the branding.

RGB is a work about the exploration of the “surface’s deepness”.
RGB designs create surfaces that mutate and interact with different chromatic stimulus.

Carnovsky's RGB is an ongoing project that experiments with the interaction between printed and light colours. The resulting images are unexpected and disorienting. The colors mix up, the lines and shapes entwine becoming oneiric and not completely clear. Through a colored filter (a light or a transparent material) it is possible to see clearly the layers in which the image is composed. The filter's colors are red, green and blue, each one of them serves to reveal one of the three layers.RGB first installation has been shown during Milan Design Week 2010 at J&V showroom


We think that the effect of the photogram is visually arresting, interesting and will be adaptable to any theme the Winterlight Festival wants to include. 
photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The usual result is a negative shadow image that shows variations in tone that depends upon the transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or semi-transparent objects appear grey.
The technique is sometimes called cameraless photography. It was used by Man Ray in his exploration ofrayographs. Other artists who have experimented with the technique include László Moholy-NagyChristian Schad(who called them "Schadographs"), Imogen Cunningham and Pablo Picasso. Variations of the technique have also been used for scientific purposes.

Glow in the Dark

A more obvious use of light in design, but still one that isn't seen that regularly and would be interesting to employ for the promotional side of this brief.

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