Friday 9 May 2014

Brief 2: Proofing

This is the proof that we received back from Tony. Originally we were supposed to be getting a to scale version so that Art and Design had a clear idea of what they were getting, but unfortunately this didn't happen. The actual pages hadn't been cut right, and the images weren't registered properly and so this also affected this outcome and made the students proofing it very critical of our you can see.

List of changes to be made

Cheryl's introduction: add extra paragraph, minor spelling errors/spacing and removal of a few words
Change image on the page beside it
Yearbook layouts: Misalignment of text (Tony's issue) Minor spelling errors and some images of lower quality that should be edited
Back page: Add acknowledgements page

Overall most of the errors found were either spellings or the parts that were out of our hands. We are getting to work on the amendments to make sure that everybody is happy with the final outcome.

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