Sunday 15 December 2013

Brief 6, 7, 11, 12 & 13 Interim Evaluation

This past few weeks have been pretty stressful, not only because of personal events but because some of the briefs that I have completed ended up being more of a challenge than I thought. This combined with the pressure of dissertation writing has made for a couple of weeks that have been far from enjoyable.
Overall, I am satisfied with the work that I have created up until now for the most part, but I really want to push myself to do better for the last 6 months of my degree.

Brief 6
This brief that I completed with Lisa is probably the one that I am most pleased with. This is because we managed to achieve what we set out to do, and we created what I feel is a substantial amount of work for the amount of time we had to work on it. In terms of weeks, we have had around 8, but because of commitments to other briefs we have mostly been meeting up a couple of times a week to work on this. I think that Lisa and I worked well together, (hopefully she thinks the same!) and despite the hiccups we came across (LASER CUTTING IS THE WORST) we have managed to resolve any issues relatively easily, and been able to come up with a Plan B when needed (thankyou, Matthew!). Given more time I think that both myself and Lisa agree we would want to push some of the design elements a little more, for example I would have liked to explore designing the in store design elements such as signage, but given that we are poor students laden with work this just wasn't possible.

Brief 7
This was a very short brief, so my main concern with this is that I could have pushed the outcome a lot further if I had allotted more time to this brief. However, in terms of the required outcome for the actual design award, this is all that I needed to do. I am pleased with the outcome as it is different than what I did for the Big Sleep cover last year, and I feel pleased with myself for not only using photoshop to complete the design. Instead, I challenged myself to use hand rendered illustration, and I am happy with my efforts.

Brief 11
This is the brief that has probably taught me the most and one that I will take the most from this year so far. This will sound overly dramatic, but doing this brief has felt like a really, really long episode of the Apprentice, and despite thinking that most of the contestants are genuinely lacking in brain cells, I have to admit that I kind of understand now that trying to make and sell a product successfully is as difficult as they make it look. Had I had Nick or Karen following me around, I can only imagine what they would have said to the cameras when I wasn't looking, and the strange facial expressions they would have pulled behind my back.
I was overly ambitious with this project: I had 960 cards printed, foolishly believing that I would be able to sell almost all of them and make a profit of around £1000. In reality, I have made around £150 in profit and sold around 100/150 of the cards. Had it not been for David and Greta, I definitely wouldn't have even sold that amount. In some ways I did push the project hard, and in other ways I didn't. If I'd been more organised I could have sold them at different events at Leeds, but timing was an issue in this respect.
Next time, I would produce less cards and sell them for a smaller amount, and I would probably attempt to make more of events in and around Leeds. I am glad I did this project, but in general I do wish that it had gone better.

Brief 12
I haven't really got much to say about this brief. I would really like to go back to it because I don't feel that I have been able to achieve what I hoped to. The brief ended up being a little rushed, and I wasn't able to print any of my products. I am happy with the copy side of the brief, and although I didn't have much time to develop the visuals, I am pleased with how these have turned out. When I get the chance, I will just make sure I can print them and photograph them to add to this brief and make it feel more resolved.

Brief 13
Because this was such a short brief, again there is not much for me to say about it. I am incredibly pleased with how the poster turned out and how well me and Hannah were able to work together. I am definitely looking forward to pushing this project further in Part 2 of our brief.

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