Tuesday 3 December 2013

Brief 12: Copy Development

After working on the initial copy, I wasn't entirely happy with my progress, and so I decided to just take one of the phrases that I thought was working well, 'Saving Grace', and experiment with type and colour for the visual side of the brief. Bizarrely from doing the visuals, it led me onto developing more of my copy at the same time. I realised that if I gave myself the limitation of having a very short phrase such as Saving Grace it actually meant I had to be more creative with the other phrases, and so I was able to shorten them and still make it understandable. I also have text underneath each title that anchors the copy and explains the it in more depth. The visuals are different than what I initially thought about doing, which was to create hand drawn illustrations, but this was becoming difficult and time consuming and so I decided that type and image would be simpler and possibly have more impact if employed correctly. I am still in the process of experimenting with these pieces of copy, but currently I am happy with the progress I have made.

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