Tuesday 10 December 2013

Brief 13: Scanned in type

The concept for this brief is based on the copy that myself and Hannah came up with:

"There are 7 billion characters in the world, why limit yourself to 140?"

This is based on the idea that social networking is not the only way to make friends, and that there are billions of people that you could be connecting with in a more personal way, using pen pals. Obviously you can talk to people online but often socialising online is impersonal and limiting, particularly on twitter where you can only use 140 characters at a time.
Because the brief is based on pen pals, we have chosen to use hand rendered type, and we decided to each create a range of hand rendered letters that were all different to convey the idea that there are a vast number of different people and characters in the world. We have come together today to choose the letters that we think are most appropriate and will work best on the poster. These were then scanned in by Hannah and I will be colouring them in so we can then place them onto the poster.
I am really pleased with the range of letters me and Hannah have come up with, and I think they will look very effective once on the poster.

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