Wednesday 8 January 2014

Interim Feedback

I have now received my interim feedback sheet. As it is was in a tick box format, it made it quite clear as to what categories we as students were doing well in, and which we weren't. For the most part I got 'satisfactory', although for evaluation, primary research and design boards, I got 'unsatisfactory'. I'm a little disappointed with some of the feedback, as I feel like I did make an effort with the design boards although I accept that they were lacking in evidence of research and evaluation. I will look to include research and more of an explanation of the concept on my final submission boards. I will also try to undertake more primary research, although for some subjects I do find this difficult to find. 

The positive thing was that I got 'good' for final resolution which is something I guess. 

The main thing that I want to focus on from now until May is creating projects that are fun and that people would be excited to look at, as well as having a strong concept obviously. One thing I am insecure about this year is that many of my projects aren't interesting enough, or have been done before a lot, and I want to be able to have a strong portfolio that has some more unusual or quirky projects in it so that I have a chance at standing out. I also want to focus more on copy writing and writing in general. 

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