Saturday 25 January 2014

Brief #8: Research

Now that I have finished reading What A Carve Up!, I need to consider the visual approach that my redesigned book cover will take. As the audience of this book is an adult one, and the book is a dark comedy/thriller/great work of fiction, I want to create a cover that is visually striking and links cleverly to the book. I feel that the books I have selected have a similar target audience, as well as being incredibly successful in drawing the reader in. They all communicate the concept of the books to the audience in an engaging, considered manner, with a clever use of imagery and type evident in each cover. 

Manipulated type/type as image 

Paper Imagery



What A Carve Up! Summary

I have now finished reading What a Carve Up, the book to be redesigned for the Penguin Design Award this year. My brain still aches a little from reading it (it provided much more of a challenge than my usual chick lit) but it is definitely worth it. Despite it being a fiction based around politics in the 90's, much of the satire and the story still applies to the present day, which is a frighteningly bleak prospect since it isn't exactly a positive story.

These are the main ideas/themes/motifs etc that I have picked up and will begin to work with in coming up with a concept for the redesign.

A man in the shadows of the Winshaws
A peephole/eyes in the paintings
Interlinked stories
A tangled web
The film
Conspiracy theories
The knitting needles
Irony/twists and turns
A grand narrative brought together
Dark humour
Creepy mansion
The outsider who becomes an insider
Nightmare family
Film/video recorders
The Moors/London/Germany/Iraq
The will

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Interim Feedback

I have now received my interim feedback sheet. As it is was in a tick box format, it made it quite clear as to what categories we as students were doing well in, and which we weren't. For the most part I got 'satisfactory', although for evaluation, primary research and design boards, I got 'unsatisfactory'. I'm a little disappointed with some of the feedback, as I feel like I did make an effort with the design boards although I accept that they were lacking in evidence of research and evaluation. I will look to include research and more of an explanation of the concept on my final submission boards. I will also try to undertake more primary research, although for some subjects I do find this difficult to find. 

The positive thing was that I got 'good' for final resolution which is something I guess. 

The main thing that I want to focus on from now until May is creating projects that are fun and that people would be excited to look at, as well as having a strong concept obviously. One thing I am insecure about this year is that many of my projects aren't interesting enough, or have been done before a lot, and I want to be able to have a strong portfolio that has some more unusual or quirky projects in it so that I have a chance at standing out. I also want to focus more on copy writing and writing in general. 

Saturday 4 January 2014

Brief #1 Polka Dot: Change of Plan

Having tried to research further into this brief, I have realised that there is not enough content for me to base an entire exhibition on Polka Dots, therefore I will be coming up with a new brief to take its place.

Brief 2: Spelling Bee Timeplan

As this is my largest ongoing brief, I have decided to make a time plan with the hopes I may actually stick and stay organised (wouldn't that be something?)

Plan content throughout January

Design ideas and mock ups and type choices by/through February

Cover design and design/ Choose stock / Book binding March until Early April

Send off to print late April

2014 Time Plan

A New Year, and a renewed attempt at being organised and productive. With that in mind, these are my (slightly optimistic) time plans for the year...

Brief #2 Spelling Bee: Ongoing until 1/5

Brief #8 Penguin: 18/1 - 26/1

Brief #4 Coming of Age: 20/1 - 16/2

Brief #14 Print Club: 27/1 - 5/2

Brief #3 Heart Broken Records: 3/2 - 2/3

Brief #10 Wireless Connections: 7/2 - 10/3

Brief #9 D&AD: 3/3 - 23/3

Brief #5 Amass: 1/3 - 30/3

Brief #15: Live Brief TBA

Brief #1 to be replaced by a collaborative project